Prayer, meditation and worship
Find out how you can pray and meditate with us.
Many people speak of Strawberry Field as a ‘thin place’ between heaven and earth, and often comment on the peace they sense here. They are in good company. John Lennon once described Strawberry Field as paradise.
For years, prayer supporters met regularly on site to pray for the whole project. This work continues now and you would be very welcome to join us as we pray for our community, visitors and those connected to us across the world.

If you would like to take part in, or receive, prayer, you can:
Visit our Prayer Space on the lower ground floor where you will see a cross made of stones from the original Strawberry Field children’s home. You might want to tie a ribbon in memory of someone special on the large wicker heart, write a message in our guest book, or leave a prayer of thanks on our Gratitude Tree. Seasonal installations also find a home in the Prayer Space so look out for them too.
If you would like somebody to pray with you when you visit Strawberry Field, then please do get in touch with us at or speak to a member of staff when you arrive.
Strawberry Field Community Church | Every Sunday 10am-11.30am: Join us for worship and to explore the Christian Faith as we launch “Strawberry Field Community Church”. Our service is informal and offers a place to relax and explore faith as together we discover what puts the ‘forever’ in the famous song.
Prayer Team: Our Prayer Team meet on site every Tuesday from 2pm-3pm and anyone is welcome to join us. We’d love to see you here! If you would like us to pray for a particular issue and you are unable to get to Strawberry Field in person, then please share these details in the 'prayer requests' contact form below. We will then pray for you anonymously.
Midweek Meditation: A short, Christian-based, Midweek Meditation takes place in our Prayer Space every Wednesday at noon. Again, you are very welcome to join us.
I truly believe this is a wonderful and important project.